Sunday 21 September 2014

What is MQ & Adavantages of MQ

Middleware : 

Software that facilitates exchange of data between two application programs within the same environment, or across different hardware and network environments.
 As shown in below diagram, conceptually, middleware resides between the application layer and the platform layer (the operating system and underlying network services

Message-oriented middleware (MOM):  It is software or hardware infrastructure supporting sending and receiving messages between distributed systems. MOM allows application modules to be distributed over heterogeneous platforms and reduces the complexity of developing applications that span multiple operating systems and network protocols

MQ: Messaging and Queuing à
Message queuing is a method of program-to-program communication. Programs within an
application communicate by writing and retrieving application-specific data (messages) to/from
queues, without having a private, dedicated, logical connection to link them.
Messaging means that programs communicate with each other by sending data in messages and
not by calling each other directly.
Queuing means that programs communicate through queues. Programs communicating through
queues need not be executed concurrently.
MQSeries is an IBM  implementation of MOM , MQSeries applications (local or remote) communicate by putting messages on queues and by taking messages out from queues by using Message Queue Interface (MQI) and MQSeries API.
A message from a sending application is placed on a queue, where it then waits for a signal that receiving queue is ready to accept it.
Maintaining the messages queues, the relationships between programs and queues, handling network restarts and moving messages around the network is under responsibility of MQSeries


Advantages of WebSpehere MQ: 

Ø  Common application programming interface
Ø  Assured message delivery
Ø   Time-independent processing
Ø   Application parallelism.
Ø  Asynchronous / Synchronous messaging support.
Ø   Faster application development.
Ø  Independent Operating system.
Ø   Point-to-point messaging
Ø  Publish and subscribe messaging
Ø  Request and reply messaging
Ø  Persistent and non-persistent messages
Ø  Asynchronous Messaging - Eliminates time dependency between applications.
Ø  Loosely coupled Architecture - Applications can be developed independent of each other
Ø  Applications can communicate independent of platform and the technologies
Ø  Assured and one time message delivery
Ø  Communication can be secured using one-way or two-way SSL.
Ø  Message Driven processing.(Triggering)

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