Sunday 21 September 2014

MQI Calls

MQI (Message Queuing Interface): 

It is the interface between an MQ application program and MQ Queue Manager or Server. MQI provides set of calls thru that application program can put and get messages to and from the queue.
Note: The default message get in MQ is destructive, if you want a message to be get in browse mode the application program has to set the options for the Browse get in the get message options structure.
SQL: It is interface between an application program and the physical relational database (it can be DB2 or Oracle).

Programming languages used for as Interface to connect MQ
MQ COBOL (Mainframe or AS/400 MQ application development)



MQCONN : establishes a connection with a queue manager using the standard bindings.
MQCONNX: establishes a connection with a queue manager using fastpath bindings. Fastpath
puts and gets are faster, but the application must be well behaved, that is, well tested. Application
and queue manager run in the same process. When the application crashes it takes the queue
manager down with it. This API call is new in MQSeries Version 5.

A. To put message(s) to the queue.
1. MQCONN: This is the call to connect to the queue manager.
2. MQOPEN: This is to open the queue object.
3. MQPUT:  Call to put the message(s) into a queue.
4. MQCLOSE: To close the opened queue.
5. MQDISC: To disconnect from the queue manager.
Note: #amqsput Queue-Name QMGR_NAME is the sample program to put a message into the queue

B. To get message(s) from the queue.
1. MQCONN: This is the call to connect to the queue manager.
2. MQOPEN: This is to open the queue object.
3. MQGET:  Call to get the message(s) from the queue.
4. MQCLOSE: To close the opened queue.
5. MQDISC: To disconnect from the queue manager.

Note: #amqsget Queue-Name QMGR_NAME is the sample program to get a message into the queue

C. To put a single message into the queue.
1. MQCONN: This is the call to connect to the queue manager.
2. MQPUT1: To put a single message into the queue.
3. MQDISC: To disconnect from the queue manager.
D. To inquire and set the attributes of a queue
8. MQINQ: To inquire about the attributes of a queue.
9. MQSET: To set the attributes of a queue.
E. To commit and rollback the MQ server changes.
10. MQCMMIT: To commit the MQ changes.
11. MQRLBK: To roll back the MQ changes.

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