Saturday 20 September 2014

WebSphere Message Queue 7.5 Admin

WebSphere Message Queue 7.5 Admin
New Batch will start Next month 1st week onwards for Online & Classroom training.

Please contact:


Cell: 09632073251
    • What is Message Queue
    • What is a Message and Queue
    • Types of Messages
    • Message Access
    • Synchronous Vs Asynchronous
    • Heterogeneous Systems
    • Character Sets
    • Messaging Models
    • Transactions
    • Scalability
    • High Availability
  • Module 2 – Installation
    • Installation Overview
    • Creating Users and Groups
    • Product Directory Structure
    • Disk Space requirements
    • Installing Server
    • Supports Pacs
    • Uninstalling Server
  • Module 3 – Queue Manager
    • Creating Queue Manager
    • Starting Queue Manager
    • Stopping Queue Manager
    • Deleting Queue Manager
    • Displaying Queue Manager Status
    • Queue Manager Properties
    • Multi Instance Queue Manager
    • Automatic Startup
    • Communicating between Queue Manager
  • Module 4 – Queue
    • Introduction
    • Local Queue
    • Transmission Queue
    • Remote Queue
    • Alias Queue
    • Model Queue
    • Queue Default Options
  • Module 5- Channels, Listeners & Bindings
    • Introduction
    • Listeners
    • Types of Channels
    • Channel Pairing
    • Channel Triggering
    • Binding Mode Operation
  • Module 6– Clustering
    • Introduction
    • Advantages of Clustering
    • Cluster Repository
    • Clustering Best Practices
    • Cluster Work Load Balancing
    • Seding Message to a Cluster Queue
    • Remove Cluster Queue Manager from Cluster
    • Multi instance Queue Manager
    • High Availability Cluster
  • Module 7 – Publish Subscribe
    • Topic
    • Subscription Types
    • Publication
    • Publish Subscribe features
    • Local Publish Subscribe
    • Distributed Publish Subscribe
  • Module 8 – Application Programming Basics
    • Introduction
    • MQI Commands
    • Simple Messaging
    • Publish Subscribe
    • Transactions
  • Module 9 – Security
    • Security Objectives
    • Achieving Security Objectives thru WMQ
    • General Security Principals
    • Channel Security with Channel Exits
    • Channel Security with SSL
    • Channel Authority Records
  • Module 10 – Client
    • Why MQ Client
    • MQ Client Configurations
    • MQ Channel Definition Table
    • Extended Transactions Client
  • Module 11 – Logging, Troubleshooting, Backup and restore
    • Introduction
    • Types of Logging
    • Logging Configuration
    • Log sizing
    • Log Archiving
    • Troubleshooting Steps
    • Backing up MQ Configuration and Data
    • Checkpoint Recovery

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