Sunday 21 September 2014

MQ Objects:

MQ Objects; 

Queue Manager:
It is the overall governor for the entire WebSphere MQ system and its providing queuing services to one or more clients, It is also a WebSphere MQ object. 

Queue: Queue is MQ object and it is the safe place to store the messages, queues are four types.
Ø  Local Queue: An actual queue for which storage is allocated.
Ø  Remote Queue definition : A definition of a queue on a different queue manager (it contains address about the remote queue manager)
Ø  Model Queue: A template whose properties are copied when creating a new dynamic local queue (“create queue xxx “like” queue yyy).
Ø  Alias Queue: Another name for a local or remote queue.  Typically used to switch queue destinations without modifying program code
Local Queues:
Queues are defined as objects belonging to a queue manager. MQSeries knows a number of different queue types, each with a specific purpose. The queues you use are located either in your machine and belong to the queue manager to which you are connected, or in your server (if you are a client). Figure 10 lists different queue types and their purposes. More detailed information
is below

Some properties of local queues:
           Maximum Message Size
           Maximum Queue Depth
           High/Low Factors
           Enable/Disable Put or Get
           Persistent/Not Persistent

Channel: A channel is communication path between the two queue managers, channels are again 2 types.
Ø  Messaging Channels : Messaging channels are one way piping channels, these will be used for either sending or receiving the messages, these are 6 types.
Ø  Sender
Ø  Receiver
Ø  Server
Ø  Requester
Ø  Cluster Sender Channel
Ø  Cluster Receiver Chanel

Ø  MQI Channels. : MQI channels are two way piping channels, these will be used for sending and receiving the messages, these are 2 types.
1.      Server-connection Channel
2.      Client-Connection Channel
Message Channels work only in pairs:

1) Sender-Receiver - Sender starts the channel (Sender initiates the connection and requests the receiver to start).
2) Requester-Server - Requester starts the channel (Requester requests the server at the other end to start). Server can also start the channel if it has connection name of the requester end.
3) Requester-Sender - Requester starts the channel and Sender terminates the call.
4) Server-Receiver - Similar to Sender-Receiver but Server should have the connection name for the other end.
5) Cluster-Sender - Used by queue managers in cluster to send cluster information to full repository queue manager and to send messages to other queue managers.
6) Cluster-Receiver - It is used by queue managers in cluster to receive information about cluster and to receive messages from other queue managers.

How Messages Move Across Channels: 

Listener: A Listener is a MQ services it listens outside network request and it should be running with unique port number; the default port number for MQ is 1414.
Process Definition: This is an MQ object and this will be used for triggering purpose and this we be used for to give the path which we need to invoke the particular application while trigger invoke.

Name List:
The Web Sphere MQ application accesses the namelist at run time and creates a distribution list that contains all of the queue names from the namelist. The application opens the distribution list in the same way that it opens a queue. When a message is sent to the distribution list, the message is sent to each queue in that list.

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