Saturday 27 September 2014

MULTI-HOPPING : ( gate way

MULTI-HOPPING : ( gate way)

Passing the messages between more than one intermediate queue managers is called Multi-
Hopping and Intermediate queue manager name called Hopping.


1. Create a queue manager QM1, QM2, QM3, Start the queue managers QM1.

2. Create a remote queue with attributes local queue name (Remote Queue     Manager) i.e Rname (QM3_LOCALQ) & RQMname(QM3) and the transmission queue called XMITQ (TQ).

3. Create a transmission queue called (TQ).

4. Create a sender channel from (QM1.QM2)

5. In Qm2 create, Create a receiver channel (QM1.QM2)
6. Create a transmission queue with name target queue manager name called QM3.

7. Create a sender channel from (QM2.QM3) with transmission queue called XMITQ (QM3)

8. In QM3 create a local queue called (QM3_LOCALQ) which is defined in remote queue of QM1 Rqueue(QM1)

9. Create a receiver channel (QM2.QM3)

10. We should have two listeners started and running in QM2 and QM3.


Put message to the RQD (RemoteQ ) on QM1 queue manager

 Check the queue depth QM3_LOCALQ on QM3 queue maanger.

Message is reached to the destination queue, its proves that using multihopping setup we can communicate multiple queue intermediate queue managers. 


For every queue, except remote queue we have two properties.

1. open input count ( Iproess )

2. open output count ( Oprocss )

3. the application which is connected and putting the messages is called “ O process “

4. The application which is processing(getting) the messages is called “I process “

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